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    Cradle ()
    #1681 Copy


    Whose your favorite character from unsouled(or any other book) Who hasn't appeared in later books?

    Will Wight

    I'm not sure. When I like the character, I usually find a way to bring them back.

    Cradle ()
    #1682 Copy


    Do you have any provisional names for the Williverse that aren't... that? The current name is... unique.

    Will Wight

    Well, it's the Willverse, which sounds better than the Williverse. That little i ruins the whole thing. I didn't come up with that name, I just thought it was funny. I'll come up with a name for it eventually, but it's hard to figure out something that doesn't sound like someone else's multiverse.

    Cradle ()
    #1683 Copy


    What kind of artifact would get every Monarch on Cradle running for it?

    Will Wight

    The sort of artifact that a Monarch+ would go crazy for is an Abidan artifact, but not because it's so powerful. Rather, it would be valuable because it would have its effect directly, ignoring method and causality. An Abidan weapon that killed a target would just kill its target. It wouldn't necessarily launch a thing or fire a beam that killed the target, it would just switch them from on to off. And only another Abidan relic would be able to stop it.

    Cradle ()
    #1684 Copy


    What is your view on a possible Lindon x Yerin romance?

    Will Wight

    All of the reasons listed in this conversations are reasons why I don’t like writing romance. It’s usually out of place and unnecessary, and you have to take time out of the plot to write it. Plus, it’s entirely based on emotional interactions, and emotional/relational interactions are what I have the hardest time writing. They’re my greatest weakness.All that said, a well-executed romance makes the whole story better. I don’t dislike it as a reader, it’s just hard as a writer.So what I’m trying to do is lay the foundation for a romance by creating two likeable characters who care for each other and have spent a lot of time together. Which is the groundwork a lot of stories don’t do, and why a lot of romance sub-plots fail.

    Cradle ()
    #1686 Copy

    SomeWhoCallMe... Tim

    I honestly expected Orthos to bite it, this book     I thought that Lindon was going to use Orthos' remnant to advance, for sure

    Will Wight

    The #1 response I got from my beta readers was "Man, I really thought Orthos was going to die this book."I had plotted and written the entire book with him living, but after that response I wondered if I should scrap my plans and rewrite the ending to have him die. Just because it would have had more emotional impact in the final scene. 

    SomeWhoCallMe... Tim

    Man, if Orthos had gotten to drink from the Life Well, got some of that black flame damage healed, and was prancing around so happy because he was young again, and THEN died in the fight versus Harmony. It would have tugged my feelings, to be sure

    Will Wight

    That was the temptation, especially when all the readers said they expected it, so it wouldn't have come out of nowhere. Still, though, I wanted him around.
    Cradle ()
    #1687 Copy


    Oh hey Will, out of curiosity (unless it's a spoiler of course), did Lindon steal any of the dream tablets, or did Dross save their info?

    Will Wight

    The dream tablets were bolted down, so unfortunately they could not be removed.

    Cradle ()
    #1689 Copy


    The river stones Lindon got from the ruins, and recently lost, did they originally have a purpose that didn’t pan out?

    Will Wight

    Basically yes. They were intended to advance his scripting knowledge in a particular direction.I just ended up going in a very different direction, and all the plans I had along that branch got cut.So the stones ended up being irrelevant.


    Same for the bag Eithan grabbed for yerin I assume?

    Will Wight

    The only reason he hasn’t given it to her by now is that I keep cutting that scene for space reasons. I might have to upgrade it now that it’s become this big thing.

    The Last Reader

    It would have to be pretty good considering she is now truegold

    Will Wight

    It’s pretty good.  

    The Last Reader

    yay OP stuff

    Will Wight

    It is, and was always intended to be, something that would help her long-term. I’m just now worried that it isn’t dramatic enough to live up to three books of hype, but it is still OP.     So I might have to drama it up a little more.

    Cradle ()
    #1692 Copy


    What is another magic system you want to go into? If you want to talk about it that is.

    Will Wight

    Magic system: none of them are fully fleshed out yet, because I would only do that when I was ready to write the book, but I’d like to do a creation magic system at some point.

    Cradle ()
    #1696 Copy

    The Last Reader

    So are the Monarch not actively trying to become more powerful then without ascending because that has some backward thinking considering the dreadgods can kill them if they aren't careful

    Will Wight

    Monarchs have basically tapped out the limits of sacred arts. Which is why Northstrider was looking into alternate means of becoming stronger in GW.

    Cradle ()
    #1697 Copy


    Did Suriel know that Makiel's plan to 'fix' fate on Cradle (e.g. deal with Lindon/Eithan) was to wake the Bleeding Phoenix Early, potentially killing them? Was Makiel's plan actually to kill them, or was he being honest in terms of just trying to get them to advance off iteration faster?

    Will Wight

    Makiel was being honest, but he was also working on many levels at once. Either they die, or they get forced off Cradle, or they get pushed into a situation from which they can’t affect fate anymore. Win-win for him.

    Cradle ()
    #1698 Copy


    I forget exactly how Monarchs are restricted from advancing further without leaving Cradle(Abidan just threaten to kill them? Or there's some kind of force preventing it?) but is Ghostwater basically Northstrider trying to get around the restrictions by making his power use more effective than other Monarchs rather than just advancing?

    Will Wight

    The restrictions on Monarchs haven’t been explored yet.

    Cradle ()
    #1699 Copy


    For an actual question, what's an interesting type of aura/madra that hasn't been seen/mentioned in the books yet?

    Will Wight

    I’d like to get into death madra at some point, and we haven’t seen much of it.