On a bit of a Suriel kick here with these questions:
How many years has the current Suriel been alive?
Is she as strong/skillful as her predecessor? (Is that a useful distinction or are all the judges really close together)
How well did she know her predecessor?
What other court roles could Suriel have filled if she wanted?
Was/is Suriel a "wild" Abidan, or did she come from Sanctum (or another place like Sanctum)?
Will Wight
1.) Age:
...I won't lie to you, I don't know. I haven't invented that answer yet.
2.) Skill:
She's more temperamentally suited to the role of the Phoenix than her predecessor was, but they both had different strengths and weaknesses. All in all, they were basically on the same tier.
3.) Familiarity:
She worked alongside him for many years. They were very familiar.
4.) Roles:
She has skill in almost all the other roles, but she's only Judge-level as a Phoenix. That's pretty common.
Most of the Judges excel in one area, though they're skilled in several others. The only exceptions are Gadrael, Makiel, and Ozriel: Gadrael because he's useless in every area but one, Makiel because he has the skills of a Judge in two areas, and Ozriel because he's good at everything. Except healing.
5.) Wild or not?
She did ascend from an Iteration on her own; she's not from Cradle, but she's not from Sanctum either. She mastered her original magic system before rising into the Abidan and eventually making her way onto the Court.
Before she was a Judge, she was personally acquainted with both Ozriel and the previous Suriel.