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The river stones Lindon got from the ruins, and recently lost, did they originally have a purpose that didn’t pan out?
Will Wight
Basically yes. They were intended to advance his scripting knowledge in a particular direction.I just ended up going in a very different direction, and all the plans I had along that branch got cut.So the stones ended up being irrelevant.
Same for the bag Eithan grabbed for yerin I assume?
Will Wight
The only reason he hasn’t given it to her by now is that I keep cutting that scene for space reasons. I might have to upgrade it now that it’s become this big thing.
The Last Reader
It would have to be pretty good considering she is now truegold
Will Wight
It’s pretty good.
The Last Reader
yay OP stuff
Will Wight
It is, and was always intended to be, something that would help her long-term. I’m just now worried that it isn’t dramatic enough to live up to three books of hype, but it is still OP. So I might have to drama it up a little more.
Are scripts some form of universal language or just Cradle oriented? Are there similar things in Amalgam or Asylum?
Will Wight
Scripting is unique to Cradle, but other worlds have similar systems for guiding, shaping, or controlling their native energy.
Hi Will, what sounds do techniques make? Is sound integral to a small set of types of madra, and things like the Dragon's Breath and Rippling Sword only make sounds due to superheating the air or moving fast or something? Do scripts also make noise when they activate?
Will Wight
Scripts do make a small noise when they activate! It’s something like the strike of a match followed by a hum like a power line, though for many scripts, that sound fades away. As for the sounds of techniques, that depends on the nature of the madra and the technique itself. As you say, something like dragon’s breath would make a sound because of its heat (and because of its destruction component tearing apart whatever it hits), but something like the Path of the White Fox would make no sound.