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Are there any sacred beasts (besides dragons) that could go toe-to-toe with a Monarch or a Dreadgod?
Will Wight
There's Juwei, the Ghostwalker Fox, who has tricked Monarchs and escaped. There's a single Monarch-level dragon--known by some as the god of the desert--who has a centuries-old feud with Northstrider. There's Nightsong, the musician on the Path of the Moonlit Flute, who is either a sacred beast herself or has strong inhuman blood.
Did the scene with Northstrider cycling by the dragons hint at soulfire at all?
Will Wight
No, but it did hint at a different magic system.
Was there any specific reason why Northstrider denied Harmony’s pleas for salvation from the collapsing Ghostwater, such as having seen a desire for vengeance in Harmony, or something to that effect, or did Northstrider just not care enough to save him?
Will Wight
Nope, he just didn't care. I initially had him not acknowledging Harmony at all, just walking in and walking out, but then readers were confused about whether Harmony survived or not.Also, I thought the "No." was funny.
What would happen if Northstrider strode South?
You know the questions about dividing by zero? This is that. If Northstrider strode South... wow, that's a tongue twister. Northstrider would stride South if Northstrider could stride South but Northstrider can't stride South so Northstrider only strides North.
The Last Reader
So are the Monarch not actively trying to become more powerful then without ascending because that has some backward thinking considering the dreadgods can kill them if they aren't careful
Will Wight
Monarchs have basically tapped out the limits of sacred arts. Which is why Northstrider was looking into alternate means of becoming stronger in GW.
Northstrider vs. Sha Miara
Will Wight
Sha Miara wins due to a mismatch of powers. If she knows what his powers are like and how they work, she can shut them down directly.In a contest of pure force, she would get annihilated.
I forget exactly how Monarchs are restricted from advancing further without leaving Cradle(Abidan just threaten to kill them? Or there's some kind of force preventing it?) but is Ghostwater basically Northstrider trying to get around the restrictions by making his power use more effective than other Monarchs rather than just advancing?
Will Wight
The restrictions on Monarchs haven’t been explored yet.
Will, how many people of Northstriders level would it roughly take to defeat weakest member of The Wolves? I know that suitability is a huge factor in a fight, which is why i don'T expect a definite answer.
Will Wight
Assuming the weakest of the Wolves, i.e. someone who has no other powers besides those of the Abidan and little combat experience but they're trying to work in the Wolf Division anyway...AND assuming we mean "beat in a fight" rather than "kill"...Northstrider might be able to do it in a 1v1. There's a wide gap between the least of the Abidan and the Judges, plus people who are weaker than Northstrider could still technically ascend.
Do you ascend simply after reaching a certain level, or is it only possible after gaining an enlightenment of a certain laws of the universe, kinda like Linley did in Coiling Dragon later in the books?(For example, Profound Laws of Earth)If it is the latter, could technically a copper ascend by understanding a certain amount of laws, or is that, already, not possible, because mastering such laws allows you, immediately, to reach a higher cultivation rank even if it is an unconventional way.
I imagine it's a lot like the transition to iron for Lindon though. If someone weak ascends too early it probably limits their future growth. Or maybe the iteration the weakest Wolf came from allows early ascension so he's not all that strong yet.Hey Will another question: What stops immortals from mastering different magic systems from different iterations? (Like in disguise so they don't disturb fate too much)
Will Wight
@George: It's more like mastering Laws than pure cultivation, but no a Copper couldn't do it.@Diego: Yep, you nailed it. The weakest Wolf is from an Iteration other than Cradle (so he might have to leave a lot of his power behind) and has just started learning to tap into the Way.What stops immortals from going to another Iteration and learning the magic system?The Abidan. There's nothing in the rules of the universe to prevent that, and indeed one of the rival organizations of the Abidan is made up of people who do this.
Was Ghostwater just a completely empty water Territory/fragment before Northstrider corralled it?
Will Wight
It was a chunk of ocean floor that outlived its world.
How would Northstrider fight something so massive though? Like, kick the tip of the Phoenix's talons?Can he just make his techniques bigger?
Lil' Blue
I mean, he fights a 50 kilometer dragon and eats it.
Lol, yeah, but how exactly? Can he just punch with ridiculous force from a Monarch grade body? Make his striker technique enormous?It's clear he can do it, I just don't understand how he does it.
Will Wight
Fortunately, THAT at least will be very clearly shown through the series. As you would imagine, large-scale Monarch fights will definitely be a thing.
Who would Northstrider go on a date with?
Will Wight
Northstrider is not a fun guy. He no longer relaxes.
Northstrider vs. the Eight-Man Empire
Will Wight
This would be a huge, destructive conflict with lots of collateral damage, but eventually I think Northstrider would probably win. The EME don't really have the firepower to beat him quickly, so they would be relying on a drawn-out contest, but he would be coming at them as hard and as fast as possible.