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Do the members of the 8-Man Empire all practice the same path from birth, or did they join up with their own and have to change it, or are they able to keep their own individual paths and still join?
Will Wight
They’re a weird case in that they are each practicing an individual Path and one together. The Path of the Eight-Fold Spear is the name of their collective Path.
Eight-Man Empire versus Sha Miara...
Will Wight
She'd have more difficulty dealing with them as opposed to Northstrider, because they're relying on individual power and a formation that manipulates aura when they fight. In the end, it's roughly even, and it depends on a bunch of variables, but here's the bottom line: if Sha Miara can figure out and break their formation quickly, she wins. If she can't, they're sharing and pooling power, and they will overwhelm her.
So do they all have split cores? Or do their paths just work well together?
Will Wight
They have a mechanism for allowing their Paths to work together.
How does the Eight Man Empire work?
Will Wight
The Eight-Man Empire operate collectively, not individually. Suriel singles one out in order to give Lindon perspective, but their powers are very limited when they're not working in formation with the other seven.
Not that they're pushovers individually, but yes, Reigan Shen would eat them alive* if they tried to fight him separately.
*Not literally.
...maybe literally.
Northstrider vs. the Eight-Man Empire
Will Wight
This would be a huge, destructive conflict with lots of collateral damage, but eventually I think Northstrider would probably win. The EME don't really have the firepower to beat him quickly, so they would be relying on a drawn-out contest, but he would be coming at them as hard and as fast as possible.