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March 2019 - May 2019 ()
#121 Copy


I’ve been meaning to ask what happened to the Tidewalker Sect that was mentioned in Ghostwater? It seems like that got retconned and the Arelius family was substituted as one of the Monarch factions.

u/Will_Wight, is that what happened, or can we expect hear more about the Tidewalker Sect in future books?

Will Wight

Not a retcon! The Tidewalkers are not now and never were a Monarch faction, but we can expect to see some of them at the Uncrowned King tournament. As a vassal faction.

Dreadgod Release Stream ()
#122 Copy


Who would be the best cook out of all the Dreadgods?

Will Wight

The Silent King would absolutely be the best cook. First of all he's the most intelligent of them, the most sentient. He absorbs the thoughts of others so he's probably absorbed the skills of thousands if not millions of people who were really good at cooking, so he's probably an extremely experienced chef secondhand. Plus he's got razor sharp talons he can use to mince ingredients really quickly. And he's got an army of servants who are mind controlled to prep things for him. I suspect that the Silent King could really prepare a great meal. That was my passionate and enthusiastic response to who would be the best cook among the Dreadgods.

September 2018 - December 2018 ()
#123 Copy

Lil' Blue

Why could Yerin read London's Unsouled badge if she never heard of the concept and can't read?

Will Wight

The Unsouled badge has a single symbol from the old language on it, and it's established in Blackflame that Yerin can read and/or recognize some of those symbols, because they're used in cycling manuals.

Lil' Blue

As a followup Will, I'd buy that if Yerin said "Empty?" which is what the character means but she said "Unsouled?" She didn't know what that concept meant and there were definitely none in the Heaven's Glory school. So, did she see other Unsouled and that's how she knew?

Will Wight

She said she’d never heard of that concept before reaching the Valley, not before meeting Lindon.

Cradle ()
#125 Copy


Quick question Will, did Lindon keep the axe? I don't see any mention of it after the fight?

Will Wight

I intended for Lindon to keep the axe, but I wrote several versions of that scene, and it looks like I left that out. Oversight on my part, sorry.

Cradle ()
#126 Copy


Do remnants exist only on cradle? theoretically, if suriel were to die on cradle, would she leave a remnant?

Will Wight

Great question! Puppet Master is indeed correct: practicing the sacred arts is essentially nurturing a Remnant inside you, so when someone from Cradle dies anywhere, they leave a Remnant. Not if someone from outside dies on Cradle.

If Suriel did practice the sacred arts, she would advance absurdly quickly, and her Remnant could potentially eliminate all life on Cradle. But it wouldn't. It would heal people and fix decaying structures and prop up failing governments until it eventually ran out of energy and dissipated into aura.

Cradle ()
#128 Copy


Given a person has two cores of the same madra type, such as Lindon did before blackflame, could one not internalise the “forge a scale, cycle to replenish core, take in scale to expand” by just cycling madra out of one core, closing it off and using the madra now cycling the body to expand the 2nd core, rinse and repeat?

Will Wight

No, that only works very early in your career as a sacred artist, when expanding your core is most of what matters. You'd lose more by splitting your core than you'd gain from that technique.

Cradle ()
#129 Copy


Does remnants have a core, or to they just absorb madra they are given? Can they actually learn new things, or just grow stronger in what they already know?

Will Wight

Remnants have a limited capacity for change. They can learn new things, but they can’t always adapt to the new information they learn.

Bloodline Release Stream ()
#130 Copy


In your last stream, you compared the Valinhall Incarnation to Overlords from Cradle. Since Simon with the mask is equal-ish to an Incarnation, would that make White Light Simon somewhere within the realm of Archlords? The boost seemed like it was pretty big.

Will Wight

It's hard to make these comparisons. I think I probably said is that Lindon as an Underlord or Overlord is roughly physically compatible with Simon  when he's using the mask and going full power. That's probably true, but Lindon can also shoot disintegrating fire from his hands. There's a lot that Cradle has a lot for more deadly powers than Valinhall does. I would say that Simon would be outclassed in Cradle pretty quickly. At least as he is now.

Cradle ()
#131 Copy


Are remnants capable of having a society? Is there anywhere with particularly intelligent remnants and what do they do on a daily basis

Will Wight

Some of them are intelligent enough and capable of forming a society, yes. However, they're still Remnants: they're bound by the nature of their madra and the impulses that drove them when they were formed. So they don't interact as naturally as people do, no matter how intelligent they are.On a daily basis, they pursue "food," or compatible madra suitable to maintain their form and advance them. Some of the more intelligent Remnants have renewable sources of madra--which means human communities--where they can get their power, either from stealing scales or from making deals with humans.

Cradle ()
#132 Copy


Who was the last person in sacred valley to reach gold before the events of the story?

Will Wight

That's a great question, but unfortunately I can't answer it accurately without getting into why the people in Sacred Valley aren't Gold anymore, which is a spoiler.I will say that one of the founders of the Heaven's Glory School was a sacred beast who achieved Gold; a golden-scaled dragon that breathed light and heat. Legend says he's still sealed beneath Mount Samara, ready to defend the School in its hour of need.

September 2019-December 2019 ()
#133 Copy


Travelers Gate Trilogy has been my personal favorite fantasy series since i read it. And Cradle is easily one of my favorites of all time (if the books length was as long as other epic fantasy series like WoT, Malazan or Stormlight Archives i bet it easily rivals them .. in fact i feel Cradle is just as epic for me).Thank you for bringing life to series i didn't i needed but i did. Which also coincidentally the reason why life is alot more bearable to live(given IRL is brutal)Btw Travelers Gate and Cradle related question if you don't mind me asking.1. If Simon goes ascension route. Is Caela eligible as his future presence ? How about the Eldest ?2. Why did Eithan decide to pick pure madra path ?

Will Wight

Well, we can agree on at least one thing: real life is best escaped whenever possible. I'm glad you enjoy the books!1.) Yeah, Caela could potentially become his Presence if he ascended.2.) It's a spoooooky myyyyyysteeeerrrryyyyy....

September 2018 - December 2018 ()
#134 Copy


If a Sage or higher level Sacred Artist world-hopped over to Amalgam and got access to a Territory, could they Incarnate?

Will Wight



If so, would they be corrupted, or...

Will Wight

Depends on the Sage's powers and their control over them. It's possible that they could remain themselves, but simply draw more deeply on the Territory. They could potentially siphon the entire fragment of a world that formed that Territory, leaving it a powerless husk.

Cradle ()
#135 Copy


Would you ever hold a fan-made Path competition?

Will Wight

Maybe. I'm not against it, and in fact something along those lines sounds like a lot of fun. I've always wanted to work in a world that we as a community designed together, though I usually imagine that as building a world from the ground up with a bunch of fans in a Twitch- or Patreon-like setting.

But it's not like I actually NEED fan submissions to fill out the world. When I run into a new sacred artist and I need to make up a new Path, I

September 2018 - December 2018 ()
#136 Copy

Your Benevolent Dictator

how many references are in cradle

Will Wight

I have no way to answer that

Your Benevolent Dictator

i know of 1   lil blue

Will Wight

Little Blue is absolutely a TFS reference   Can confirm

Your Benevolent Dictator


Your Benevolent Dictator


Your Benevolent Dictator


Will Wight

There are a bunch of references, but I tend to toss them in as I think of them, so idk how many.   They're mostly just jokes for me.

Your Benevolent Dictator

you should throw in something about a family of racoons

Will Wight

I'd like to, but I'm not sure raccoons are native to the area they're in

Your Benevolent Dictator

have a forigner say something

Will Wight

That's true, Eithan could say something

Your Benevolent Dictator

ohh true Eithan is the most badass janitor of all time

Will Wight

He would certainly say so

Cradle ()
#138 Copy


What is the most powerful path and what is the weakest

Will Wight

The most powerful and weakest Paths are difficult to answer, as that's largely a matter of opinion. I'll give you a very powerful one and a very weak one, though:

Path of the Untamed Spark. It revolves around nurturing a flame of life and fire that consumes anything living and is difficult to extinguish. It's a killing Path, and at its height it can depopulate cities.

Path of Shadeleaf. It's a purely aesthetic Path built around molding and folding shadow madra like origami to create pleasing shapes and displays. It has almost no other use.

Bloodline Release Stream ()
#139 Copy


Can Lindon create void keys now that he can sense The Way?

Will Wight

That is something that he can learn to do. Not all Sages can do that, but he can. So that is something that he can learn to do.

Now can he do that yet? No, he doesn't know how. But that is something that is viable with his power set. Void Icon, void keys - makes sense, right?