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Cradle ()
#1 Copy

Puppet Master

Are there any major ascendant groups that draw on the power of the Void? Additionally, what does the power of the Void do? Also, it's appreciated that you take time to answer questions. A lot of authors ignore their fan base, so hats off to you.

Will Wight

Yes. I will answer this thoroughly in the books, but I can't answer it now without spoilers. Read on and find out! Now I feel guilty for not taking the time to do this for almost two months.

Bloodline Release Stream ()
#2 Copy


Can Lindon create void keys now that he can sense The Way?

Will Wight

That is something that he can learn to do. Not all Sages can do that, but he can. So that is something that he can learn to do.

Now can he do that yet? No, he doesn't know how. But that is something that is viable with his power set. Void Icon, void keys - makes sense, right?