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Cradle ()
#2 Copy


This is probably too spoilery, but in Blackflame Jai Daishou (I forget how to spell his name) mentions how the the six or so truegolds he brought probably could have killed Eithan without him. So, it is possible for truegolds to gang up on an Underlord and kill him. Is this possible with higher ranks too with sacred artists ganging up on those above? For example, could a bunch of sages kill a herald? And could a bunch of heralds kill a Monarch? It seems the gap between ranks gets bigger and bigger so I’m just curious.

Will Wight

As the gap between ranks gets bigger, this possibility gets less likely. One of the reasons Jai Daishou believes this strategy could work against Eithan is because the Truegolds had set up a trap that he believed would work.

Cradle ()
#6 Copy


Not sure if this has been answered already, but does madra regeneration get affected by the size/depth/whatever HEPW embiggens of a core? Eg does Eithan take the same time to refill his oversized core as any other Underlord given identical conditions or does he have to wait a proportionally longer time for his madra to refill?

Will Wight

A bigger core takes proportionally longer to refill. Someone else asked how Eithan refills it. Good question! Unless I cut the scene, you find out in Underlord.

January 2019 - February 2019 (Pre-Underlord) ()
#9 Copy


I have a slight suspicion that 113 is dead. Eithan jokes that if he continues to perform well, that he may have to learn 113's name. Likewise, jai daishou offers the death remnant the severed head of an aurelius servant, one who's name its specifically mentioned he never bothered to learn.

Will Wight

I can neither confirm nor deny One-Thirteen’s demise at this time.

Cradle ()
#11 Copy


it's mentioned there is only one underlord in the desolate wilds, and only a handful in the blackflame empire, so who is the underlord in the wilds? Assuming someone from the cloud hammers or the 5th unmentioned sect, or another unmentioned sect?

Will Wight

The Cloud Hammers are a relatively small sect, but they produced an Underlord and have a pretty good chance at a second one, so their influence is growing in the Blackflame Empire. And the Arelius family is far bigger and more important than the Jai clan branch from the Desolate Wilds. I should have explained that better in the book, using clearer terminology, and I apologize for that. The Jai in the Wilds are the unimportant. The cast-offs. The only reason the main branch of the clan got involved with them at all was because of Eithan's actions, as well as Cassias' and Jai Long's. Otherwise, the main branch would have let them die alone and never noticed or cared. EDIT: And the Cloud Hammer Underlord stayed out of the events of Soulsmith because he considered squabbling for prizes with Golds beneath him. If Eithan had stayed longer (cough cough if the books were longer cough cough), then the CH Underlord would have made an appearance.

Bloodline Release Stream ()
#12 Copy


What is Eithan's favorite dessert, assuming he wasn't allowed to steal yours or anyone else's?

Will Wight

That's in reference to a question I was once asked, which was what's Eithan's favorite ice cream, and I said "yours".

So, hmmm... I think of him as a chocolate mousse kind of guy. Like a light dessert. [someone offscreen:"What?!?"]

That's what I think... yup, chocolate mousse. That's what I think; that's my answer.

And I mean a light dessert. By that I mean not m-o-u-s-s-e, but m-o-o-s-e. So it's a moose made of chocolate.

Cradle ()
#17 Copy


Word of Will response to :That's a different take on it than I had. At this point, I'm not considering Lindon's personal growth as much as his team's. You've got the sword master with what I assume will eventually be 6 sword arms sticking from her back, the strategist with no outstanding combat strength, and I'm thinking Jai Long and Jai Chen, as well. Overwhelming destructive power was actually missing from their group. Besides that, Lindon's second core is the air of mystery and the unexpected for me. Curious what he's really able to do with it later.

Will Wight

"You've nailed my thought process. My priority is to balance his eventual team more than Lindon as an individual."