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    September 2018 - December 2018 ()
    #1461 Copy

    Lil' Blue

    Lindon and Yerin go to an "educational dream tablet viewing" a.k.a a date.


    If we ever get a scene or story about those two going on a date, I definitely want it to be Yerin who plans the outing. Because I imagine that would be hilarious.


    How would Lindon be any less hilarious? he knows nothing about the world or women?

    Will Wight

    I know I’ve said this a lot, but it bears repeating: the main reason there hasn’t been overt romantic development in Cradle thus far is because it’s hard to find space. Not my unwillingness to write it. There just aren’t many purely character/relational scenes in the whole series. So I need to either make room for those, thus potentially altering the fundamental formula of the series thus far, or find a way to work the same level of relational development into plot scenes. I’m trying the second one, but it’s hard.

    September 2018 - December 2018 ()
    #1462 Copy


    Actually Will, that's the perfect way to introduce it, Yerin x Lindon kissed between books, but when we get to Underlord, she's pulled back because her blood shadow tried to kill him or something and now she's struggling with it or SOMETHING LIKE THAT totally works it into the plot, see?

    Will Wight

    I would love to do that, but my challenge is doing more character/relational development in scene. Have to step up.

    September 2018 - December 2018 ()
    #1463 Copy


    I think that the plot synopses of your novels could use some work.

    Will Wight

    Re:synopses, I know, I just hate writing them. And the synopses for sequels don’t matter to almost anyone, so it’s hard to take them seriously. Only the first book really matters, and even then apparently not much.

    September 2018 - December 2018 ()
    #1464 Copy


    I have to ask Will, does the sword sage have a name? I’ve been assuming it’s Tim until proved otherwise.

    Will Wight

    He does. It is Tim.

    (Not to take us too far back on topic, but just to be clear: the Sword Sage does have a name, it will be used in the series, and it isn’t really Tim. Let your meme-y hopes die.)

    It’s Timothy. He didn’t like nicknames.

    September 2018 - December 2018 ()
    #1466 Copy


    Ooh, would it be really mean to ask what your biggest regrets in the Cradle system are?       cough sword sage death cough

    Will Wight

    It’s not the Sword Sage’s death. My only regret regarding his death was not having Yerin in Book 2 clearly say “BOY THIS WAS SUPER WEIRD YOU GUYS,” just so people would know I didn’t make a mistake


    I don't know, she doesn't really know what a Sage is capable of       even still       he doesn't seem like the type that would lecture a young girl on how his body works

    Will Wight

    Yeah, that’s why it wasn’t in there initially. But it confuses readers, which means I probably should have handled it differently.

    September 2018 - December 2018 ()
    #1467 Copy

    Lil' Blue

    Why could Yerin read London's Unsouled badge if she never heard of the concept and can't read?

    Will Wight

    The Unsouled badge has a single symbol from the old language on it, and it's established in Blackflame that Yerin can read and/or recognize some of those symbols, because they're used in cycling manuals.

    Lil' Blue

    As a followup Will, I'd buy that if Yerin said "Empty?" which is what the character means but she said "Unsouled?" She didn't know what that concept meant and there were definitely none in the Heaven's Glory school. So, did she see other Unsouled and that's how she knew?

    Will Wight

    She said she’d never heard of that concept before reaching the Valley, not before meeting Lindon.

    September 2018 - December 2018 ()
    #1472 Copy


    If a Sage or higher level Sacred Artist world-hopped over to Amalgam and got access to a Territory, could they Incarnate?

    Will Wight



    If so, would they be corrupted, or...

    Will Wight

    Depends on the Sage's powers and their control over them. It's possible that they could remain themselves, but simply draw more deeply on the Territory. They could potentially siphon the entire fragment of a world that formed that Territory, leaving it a powerless husk.

    September 2018 - December 2018 ()
    #1474 Copy


    Why don’t people and things leave remnants in EE and travelers gate? It all seems like a connection to the way, and I’m trying to figure out where the elders play into it all vs the Abidan, but I have been wondering why there’re no remnants

    Will Wight

    Remnants are a consequence of the Cradle energy system, not a function of the Way, so they're tied to Cradle and are not universal.

    September 2018 - December 2018 ()
    #1475 Copy


    How is Reading advanced? Is it like on Cradle?

    Will Wight

    Reading isn't trained like the sacred arts because the magic system is a lot harder to quantify than the sacred arts. A madra technique literally starts to crystallize in the practitioner's soul as a binding, so there are measurable and observable effects. Reading is much more difficult to boil down to a tangible process.

    September 2018 - December 2018 ()
    #1478 Copy


    With people being divided over the characters...       Which book you choose first is 50/50       In a book that combined the two stories, if you read for a while and it switched POVs to one you liked, you could get into it       But you're stuck with a bad taste in your mouth if you didn't like the one you randomly picked and probably won't try the other

    Will Wight

    Yeah, I’d have no problem believing that, but it doesn’t seem like a ton of people tried one and not the other. I’m not trying to figure out why people didn’t like Elder Empire—because by and large they did, at least in comparison to my other series—but why they didn’t try it in the first place.       I have some operating theories, but idk if I’ll ever know.

    September 2018 - December 2018 ()
    #1479 Copy

    Puppet Master

    I think Calder is shallow and unrelatable.

    Will Wight

    I learned a lot about characterization in the EE series (and frankly I could stand to carry over more of those lessons to Cradle), and one of the things I learned is that people form very strong personal opinions about the different protagonists. One of the most common complaints against Shera is that she is shallow and unrelatable, because she’s effectively an emotionless superwoman, while Calder is more complex and relatable because he has more relationships. But then there are plenty of people who say the reverse.   It’s caused me to think about relatability and the role of the protagonist differently. Which is cool!