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Amalgam ()
#62 Copy

Your Benevolent Dictator

what was There before valinhall

Will Wight

fragments of broken worlds that he bound together as rooms into a house. The house was the greatest of the fragments, and contained the Nye.

Amalgam ()
#63 Copy


Who out of all your series is your favorite character to write?

Will Wight

I know this is your least world-building related question, but I'll answer it anyway: I enjoy the more colorful, less grounded characters. Kai, Bliss, Eithan, etc. They're just fun to write, and I can basically ad lib their dialogue and have fun with it. The problem is getting that type of character to care about what happens to them and have a relatable goal. So I have to try and humanize them as well, which can be difficult. There's a middle ground there, and I'm seeking it. If I could write more of that sort of character, I'd have more fun, and I feel like my characters would pop more. But it almost feels like there's a slider between making them interesting and making them relatable and organically motivated. There isn't, it just FEELS that way. I'm trying to hit the happy medium.

September 2018 - December 2018 ()
#66 Copy

Puppet Master

What would the Lirial energy crystal do when bonded to Valinhall?

Will Wight

I don't understand what you mean by the Lirial energy crystal. If you mean the one that stores a Lirial Traveler's energy, then nothing. That could not be tied to Valinhall because it isn't a weapon, just like the seed of the Hanging Tree couldn't be.

September 2019-December 2019 ()
#67 Copy


Travelers Gate Trilogy has been my personal favorite fantasy series since i read it. And Cradle is easily one of my favorites of all time (if the books length was as long as other epic fantasy series like WoT, Malazan or Stormlight Archives i bet it easily rivals them .. in fact i feel Cradle is just as epic for me).Thank you for bringing life to series i didn't i needed but i did. Which also coincidentally the reason why life is alot more bearable to live(given IRL is brutal)Btw Travelers Gate and Cradle related question if you don't mind me asking.1. If Simon goes ascension route. Is Caela eligible as his future presence ? How about the Eldest ?2. Why did Eithan decide to pick pure madra path ?

Will Wight

Well, we can agree on at least one thing: real life is best escaped whenever possible. I'm glad you enjoy the books!1.) Yeah, Caela could potentially become his Presence if he ascended.2.) It's a spoooooky myyyyyysteeeerrrryyyyy....

September 2018 - December 2018 ()
#68 Copy


In how much detail have you outlined the future of the cradle series, and possibly travellers gate series if that is to continue?

Will Wight

I've outlined a lot of the key events and players in Cradle, but idk when or how I'm going to get to them. Traveler's Blade I just have a bunch of ideas, very little of which I would call an outline.
Amalgam ()
#69 Copy


Lucan, Meia, and Shera vs. Simon, Elaina, and Andra

Will Wight

Hmmm...I think the Gardeners have the advantage if they have time to plan and it's more than just a "run out there and fight RIGHT NOW" battle. If they have to face three Valinhall Traveler's head-on immediately without preparation or anything to use in their surroundings, I don't see how they could overcome the advantage in strength and speed.The most even matchup would probably be sealing both teams in a small town for three days, by which time the team with the most surviving fighters will be declared the winner. A tie results in being tossed into a ring and made to fight straight-up.This gives a chance for Lucan's Reading to come into play, both in tracking the opponents down and preparing weapons or other items. He finds them, Shera goes in to kill them, and Meia fights to cover their the meantime, Simon and the others are going to be using the powers of their advisors (Korr senses sources of danger, Caela senses movement, and Andra's advisor--whose name is escaping me and I'm too tired to look it up--has a perfect spatial memory) to find their opponents and try to trap them into a battle.The advantage the Valinhall Travelers have is that they're very difficult to surprise.The Gardeners have the advantage of being perfectly willing and trained to kill people unaware.In that scenario, I think Shera and her team get it unless Simon-and-company get lucky.

Amalgam ()
#70 Copy


Does valinhall have plumbing?

Will Wight

It does not. The pool has a weird organic system that cleans and drains it, and the toilets are haunted and flush waste beyond reality.The air comes from magic.

September 2018 - December 2018 ()
#71 Copy


If a Sage or higher level Sacred Artist world-hopped over to Amalgam and got access to a Territory, could they Incarnate?

Will Wight



If so, would they be corrupted, or...

Will Wight

Depends on the Sage's powers and their control over them. It's possible that they could remain themselves, but simply draw more deeply on the Territory. They could potentially siphon the entire fragment of a world that formed that Territory, leaving it a powerless husk.

Amalgam ()
#72 Copy


Is Damasca a notable power? You said "medium country or large state," but they also have the only* Elysia and Valinhall travelers...

*that we are aware of

Also, are there any magic artifacts that are not nor have ever been connected to a Territory? Or are they ALL tied to a Territory, whether it is known or not?

Will Wight

All of the known artifacts with supernatural powers are believed to be connected to a Territory. Is that belief correct? Who knows?

Damasca used to be larger and more important than it is now. Though it could have the chance to rise again...

September 2018 - December 2018 ()
#74 Copy

ha ha yes

If Lindon was a character in overwatch, what would his ultimate be? What would Simons be

Will Wight

Lindon's: Void Dragon's Dance. His passive in Blackflame form would leave little black flames around the battlefield as he uses his abilities, kind of like Reaper's old passive. His ult would detonate all of those flames in a massive nova.   Simon's: Mask of Valinhall. Gives him armor and shield and greatly increases move speed and attack damage for the duration. If he doesn't have some sort of mobility skill in his kit, like a double jump or a dash or something, he gets one during his ult.

Cradle ()
#75 Copy


So if Simon managed to ascend, would he become a Wolf? And how far away is he in terms of power from the weakest of the wolves?


I'm going to guess LIGHT YEARS away from ascending. Remember that the Emperor could smite all the incarnations at once, and unless he was secretly an ascended being, it would seem that Simon is way way behind even that. So unless he masters valinhall and becomes the next traveler.. He's got a ways to go.

Will Wight

Yeah, the Emperor has enough power to ascend past his world. The only reason he hasn't is because he's in Asylum, which is effectively a prison.We haven't seen anyone in Traveler's Gate strong enough to do that. But if Simon DID get to ascend, then he would end up as a Wolf, yeah.



Would the emperor have ascended and ditched his planet had he been able to or would his sense of duty have kept him there?

Will Wight

He wouldn't have left on his own. He may have tried to take a team into the Way, or tried to cast the Elders out.

Amalgam ()
#76 Copy


What is Kai’s favorite food? Simon’s? Leah’s?

Will Wight

Kai enjoys sautéed mushrooms on steak served with a glass of red wine. Simon likes honey-frosted cakes. Leah has a soft spot for sharp cheese.