Will, if it's not too much to ask, I think it would be cool to get something written from Makiel's point of view at some point.
Will Wight
Never! And by never, I mean this will definitely happen at some point.
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Will, if it's not too much to ask, I think it would be cool to get something written from Makiel's point of view at some point.
Never! And by never, I mean this will definitely happen at some point.
Yes, and I designed it forever ago, I’m just hoping to fit it in sometime.
Word of Will response to :That's a different take on it than I had. At this point, I'm not considering Lindon's personal growth as much as his team's. You've got the sword master with what I assume will eventually be 6 sword arms sticking from her back, the strategist with no outstanding combat strength, and I'm thinking Jai Long and Jai Chen, as well. Overwhelming destructive power was actually missing from their group. Besides that, Lindon's second core is the air of mystery and the unexpected for me. Curious what he's really able to do with it later.
"You've nailed my thought process. My priority is to balance his eventual team more than Lindon as an individual."
Could a light sacred-artist create different wavelengths of light?
Yes, potentially light artists could manipulate the wavelength of light.
Are there any paths that are agriculturally focused?
The Redflower family actually uses several Paths in conjunction in order to keep the Empire fed.The Path of the Yellow Flower involves moving earth and nurturing soil. The Path of the Green Flower encourages growth and the health of crops. The Path of the Blue Flower gathers water from the air and facilitates irrigation. The Path of the White Flower controls air flow and climate regulation.The Path of the Red Flower, for which the family was named, was designed to defend the others.
I was quite disappointed at Kelsa disappearing from the story given she was probably my favorite Unsouled character :p
Early on in development, I had considered having Kelsa traveling with Lindon, and Yerin's character being a guy. But I couldn't justify Kelsa's presence, really, and I thought Yerin worked better as a woman. So Kelsa got left behind.
That's...certainly not the last we'll see of her, though. Spoilers.
So, I've been basing the sacred artist robes on the Hanfu (and a mix of other traditional clothing in ancient East Asia), is this more or less the correct? Should I be basing them off something more modern?
Nope, that's the right direction. I intentionally don't give too much detail because I don't want people to get hung up on whether they're belted from the left or from the right or whatever, but I did research on all sorts of traditional Chinese, Korean, and Taoist martial arts clothing before writing.
Is there anyone who came from a different world to cradle and went unnoticed by the abidan? If so do their powers transfer over? If we follow our heroes out of cradle, will their powers still work?
Powers do carry over from world to world. Sometimes they work a little differently elsewhere.
Is Hunger Madra an artificial creation? If not, where would it show up naturally? If this is too spoiler-y, then what techniques did the Path of the Broken Star use, and how did its practitioners evolve into the Jai clan?
It is artificial.
How soon should we be expecting the return of Harmony? Or is that too spoilery?
Never, he's dead.
Hi Will, do you actually quantify madra capacity for Eithan and Lindon and everyone in your notes? Or do you write without thinking of specific values? And will we ever see it explicitly in the story for some shock value?
Sometimes I do. I don't plan on giving hard numbers for it in canon, though.
Will, you said in the previous thread that if Lindon were to fight against an elder of his clan he MIGHT win.His biggest problem would be their illusions.Does it mean, though, that physically they are more or less on the same level.I remember the scene in the 1st book, when he was attacked by an iron of the, I think, Mon family, because he shamed that iron by winning against him. Before he could hit Lindon,though, his attack was blocked by an elder, which seemed to lindon, as though the elder teleported in front of him. Would lindon accomplish similar feats..
The elder didn't seem to teleport because he was moving so fast (although he WAS fast, just not that fast). It was because of his mastery over illusion.
That's exactly what Lindon would have to deal with.
Physically, he'd be on a similar level to the Jades of Sacred Valley. His Iron body is of a higher quality, but it's specialized for recovery, not pure strength.
Is there a limit to how many times a core can be split?
Technically no, but it isn't terribly efficient. You lose a little energy in the split: if your core was a 100 before, you're not splitting it 50/50, you end up with let's say a 49/49.You have to build both cores back up over time before you split it again, if you want it to work well.
What's the most well known joke on Cradle?
Q: What's the easiest way to make sure your enemy dies before you do?
A: Go home, sell your sword, and wait.
Did Yerin get another sword arm when she advanced? I didn't see any explicit mention of it one way or another.
Is there an infinite amount of madra types?
Strongest sacred artist vs. a Great Elder
It's hard to say who the strongest Great Elder is, because they each measure strength differently.However, the strongest sacred artist in Cradle would be able to solo any of the Great Elders. Of course, that would only disperse them and make them spend centuries re-forming, since they don't treat death the same way mortals do, but it's enough for the sacred artist to win the battle.
During the fight between Lindon and Jai Long just seemed like normal fire path at times. This was supposed to the Blackflame! A a path whose copper practitioners were feared...and Lindon was a low gold who just a few months ago destroyed Sandviper Gorkens entire arm with just one attack and yet against Jai long it barely singed him?Also Yerin seemed weaker in this book...and I am not talking about the blood shadow thing.. To me it didn't seem real that Yerin would lose against Cassius in 5-7 moves every time they dueled. She stood toe to toe with Jai Long (A True Gold) at the end of Blackflame and almost beat him. Sure Cassius might be strong but he definitely wasn't on par with a true gold..or am I missing something here?
The Blackflame thing is real, and I do wish I'd expounded on it a little more. It needed a whole scene showing how it stacked up against more than a single opponent (Jai Long), and the one scene where it's shown to be powerful is a brief instance of Lindon punching some guy.As for Cassias not being on par with a Truegold, that's actually what Yerin losing to him so quickly is meant to illustrate. Him being the second-ranked Highgold means that he has ways to go against people more powerful than he is, so he'd stack up favorably against the lower--let's say--fifty percent of Truegolds. It becomes a skill thing rather than a power thing.But I clearly didn't explain that well in the books, so it needs further illustration.
Also, what path would be best suited to creating an army of forged madra garden gnome soldiers?
Path of the Clay Walkers.
Life and stone. They craft clay golems from special clay and other materials, kneading their madra into the dolls and bringing them to life under their control. It's not an especially powerful Path, but it's useful for a variety of mundane tasks.
Like creating a parade of garden gnomes.