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Cradle ()
#1 Copy


I'M quite curious how Lindon's father would react, if he were to discover that he was never a genius to begin with.Would this knowledge be more devastating or could he easier let go of the past.Isn't he so miserable, because he thinks that without his injury he could have become someone great, accomplished many great deeds.But by knowing the standard of the rest of the world, he would be aware that the strongest he could have gotten, would be the strength of children of teenagers.What is your opinion?

Will Wight

Also, Mathew, you've raised a good question. Lindon's father would be devastated at the knowledge of how far behind they are in Sacred Valley, and would resist the truth as long as possible.See, he KNOWS that the world outside the Valley is more dangerous, and therefore the people there must be more advanced. But he's picturing a wily, skilled Jade.If he learned that Lowgolds outside were more common than Irons in Sacred Valley, he would feel like he'd wasted his life.

Bloodline Release Stream ()
#2 Copy


How far ahead did you plan Lindon's return in Bloodline?

Will Wight

From book 1, I think. Yeah. I had the broad strokes of him coming back in book 1, but of course the details changed as his journey went on. So how far did I plan his return? The whole time, yeah. I always intended for him to come back, and there were certain aspects of his return that I certainly had from the very beginning.

Cradle ()
#3 Copy


Oh by the way is Akura Mercy a refiner or is studying to be one, or did she just have easy to use healing/medical elixir with her in the Skysworn exam.

Will Wight

She just keeps some on her in case of emergency.

For the record, I'm still CONSIDERING doing a story in Sacred Valley after Lindon left. I just have to be careful how I do it, to avoid the dreaded spoilerinos.

As for before Lindon left, that's not a bad idea. Or even before Lindon was born.

September 2018 - December 2018 ()
#5 Copy


I'm rereading the books right now, and I've got a question about Sacred Beasts. Sorry if this was in the books already and I missed it, that happens a lot for me. Eithan mentions that when he was young he had a breeding pair from a lineage of sacred beasts. Does this mean all sacred beasts have kids that are also sacred beasts?

Will Wight

I wouldn't say all, but in general yes. Snowfoxes from Sacred Valley started off as one fox that lived long enough to advance, but now it's a whole race of little snowfoxes that are sacred beasts from birth.

Bloodline Release Stream ()
#7 Copy


While we know people are only able to advance to Jade in Sacred Valley, we know that is was possible for Yerin to advance to lowgold. Is it possible for someone to advance so much in SV that when they leave they could advance straight to highgold or truegold?

Will Wight

No, not really. That's something that you just can't do. There isn't the ability to do that in Sacred Valley.

Cradle ()
#9 Copy


Wait, so Elder Whisper is a level above Underlord?!! That is CRAZY AWESOME!

Will Wight

No no, Whisper isn't THAT strong. He's several levels under Li Markuth, it's just that Markuth would be relying solely on the brute force of his spiritual senses to find Whisper, whereas Whisper has hundreds of years of experience as an illusionist for running and hiding.He is, however, by far the strongest active being in Sacred Valley.

Cradle ()
#10 Copy


What kinds of madra do the great schools of sacred valley use other than Heavens glory. I think they were Falling leaf, Golden blade and Divine wind.

Will Wight

Holy Wind: a strange Path of wind, light, and dream techniques that create zones of unnatural weather.Golden Sword: a Path of sword madra that uses Enforcer techniques on their weapon. The name of their Path comes from the goldsteel swords they use more than from their techniques.Fallen Leaf: focused on using life madra to guide the growth of spirit-fruits and sacred herbs.

Cradle ()
#12 Copy

the questioner

Will, you said in the previous thread that if Lindon were to fight against an elder of his clan he MIGHT win.His biggest problem would be their illusions.Does it mean, though, that physically they are more or less on the same level.I remember the scene in the 1st book, when he was attacked by an iron of the, I think, Mon family, because he shamed that iron by winning against him. Before he could hit Lindon,though, his attack was blocked by an elder, which seemed to lindon, as though the elder teleported in front of him. Would lindon accomplish similar feats..

Will Wight

The elder didn't seem to teleport because he was moving so fast (although he WAS fast, just not that fast). It was because of his mastery over illusion.

That's exactly what Lindon would have to deal with.

Physically, he'd be on a similar level to the Jades of Sacred Valley. His Iron body is of a higher quality, but it's specialized for recovery, not pure strength.