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Cradle ()
#2 Copy


(regarding mercy's clumsiness)I made crazy theory post a while ago that she's constantly looking briefly (split seconds) into the future, thus appearing clumsy but always managing to avoid enemies.

Will Wight

That’s a cooler idea than the one I went with. I wish it weren’t too late to change it.

Cradle ()
#6 Copy


Oh by the way is Akura Mercy a refiner or is studying to be one, or did she just have easy to use healing/medical elixir with her in the Skysworn exam.

Will Wight

She just keeps some on her in case of emergency.

For the record, I'm still CONSIDERING doing a story in Sacred Valley after Lindon left. I just have to be careful how I do it, to avoid the dreaded spoilerinos.

As for before Lindon left, that's not a bad idea. Or even before Lindon was born.