Mercy's path seems to be a mixture of madras. Is the book in her soulspace a requirement to her path?
Will Wight
Yes, the book is, in a sense, her Path.
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Mercy's path seems to be a mixture of madras. Is the book in her soulspace a requirement to her path?
Yes, the book is, in a sense, her Path.
(regarding mercy's clumsiness)I made crazy theory post a while ago that she's constantly looking briefly (split seconds) into the future, thus appearing clumsy but always managing to avoid enemies.
That’s a cooler idea than the one I went with. I wish it weren’t too late to change it.
Does Dross ever annoy Mercy?
No. He tried, it just didn't work. She just didn't get annoyed. So that's the secret to people who are deliberately annoying: just don't be annoyed and they have no power over you.
Will, is Mercy lowkey more of a badass than Yerin?
Maybe, maybe not.
Who was, and will we ever meet, Mercy’s father?
We probably won't, but I'm not going to go into him right now. Just in case.
Oh by the way is Akura Mercy a refiner or is studying to be one, or did she just have easy to use healing/medical elixir with her in the Skysworn exam.
She just keeps some on her in case of emergency.
For the record, I'm still CONSIDERING doing a story in Sacred Valley after Lindon left. I just have to be careful how I do it, to avoid the dreaded spoilerinos.
As for before Lindon left, that's not a bad idea. Or even before Lindon was born.