Do you receive more Kindle unlimited downloads or kindle store buys for your Books? And do more people read or listen to your books?
Will Wight
I don't know the answer to either of those questions.
Will's brother (offscreen)
Read. By far.
Will Wight
Read. Read.
Will's brother (offscreen)
What was the other one?
Will Wight
Kindle unlimited vs. buys.
Will's brother (offscreen)
A lot more buys right?
Will's sister (offscreen)
Far more.
Will Wight
A lot more buys. A lot more reads. There are quite a few Kindle Unlimited reads and there are quite a few audio book buys. I think in general, audio book sales are catching up to ebooks. So audio book sales are definitely the next big thing. So they are to ebooks what ebooks were to print, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, but not quite there yet for me. You go Travis. Yes, 100%.
Will's brother (offscreen)
Almost 6,000 audible preorders.
Will Wight
Ok. Oh, is this information I am supposed to be reading?
Will's brother (offscreen)
Will Wight
We have had almost 6000 audible preorders.
Will's brother (offscreen)
And almost 13,000... 5,000 audible preorders? And 13,000 ebook preorders.
Will Wight
Ok, we are rounding differently, I guess. 5,000 audio preorders, and how many? 13,000 Kindle preorders. Something like that. [responding to chat] "I definitely always buy both." Shout out to you grandtorso. By buying both formats, both ebook and audio book, you have proven that you do indeed have a grand torso. I certify it's grandness. This is now Cradle canon, that you have the grandest torso.
Will's sister (offscreen)
We actually sell more audiobooks than [inaudible.]
Will Wight
All right, so I'm getting more updates. This just in! Apparently, overall, that wwas for preorders, overall, we have sold 56%...? In the last year, in 2021, 56% of our sales were audio. So there you go.