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Dreadgod Release Stream ()
#1 Copy


Who has stronger willpower between a Herald and a Sage, since they both require heavy willpower? Or does it just depend on the sacred artist?

Will Wight

In general it depends on the sacred artist. In terms of what they can do with just eye contact, Heralds get the muscle and Sages get the technique, so that's just the whole general split. Sages can do cool stuff that Heralds cant do, but Heralds can beef it up.

Dreadgod Release Stream ()
#3 Copy


What sort of an Army from Cradle would it take to conquer our world?

Will Wight

One Herald. One Herald because anything we could do to him he would be immune to. He would be able to affect large swaths of terrain at the same time. You couldn't nuke him, you couldn't do anything. There's no amount of physical force that would work. He can affect us, we can't affect him, that's it.

2024 ()
#4 Copy


Hello, Will. Can you tell us how powerful lindon is among the abidan?

Will Wight

Sure, I can tell you! Lindon isn't an Abidan. He's more like a Vroshir employed by the Abidan. So he doesn't exactly fit into their power structure.However, given that caveat, he's pretty powerful. Say about 3-4 levels under the Judges.


Oh. Is he stronger than a silverlord?

Will Wight

There are Silverlords at many different levels of power, but there is a minimum level you have to reach to be considered for their organization. He's probably somewhere comparable to a mid-level Silverlord.

Dreadgod Release Stream ()
#5 Copy


Rand vs. a Monarch?

Will Wight

I don't know, man. At the end of Wheel of Time, Rand is like Buddha. I don't know how to power scale that. I don't know what Rand can or can't do by the end of Wheel of Time. Can he reverse time? Maybe. He's battling conceptual entities so I don't know. Rand is the protagonist of Wheel of Time so I guess that was a spoiler alert. By the end, he's battling conceptual entities!