Do you plan any new series in the near future?
Will Wight
I would like to write something new! But certainly not before the next two books of Cradle.
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Do you plan any new series in the near future?
I would like to write something new! But certainly not before the next two books of Cradle.
How many books planned for cradle? Any sequels intentions?
12 books planned, though that number isn’t set in stone. As for sequels, it very much depends on where the story is at the end! And how much interest there is in a sequel.
Have you thought about writing short stories about the Emperor and the Regents (from EE)? Could you give us a hint what these might be like?
I have! Especially while working on OKAK, I thought that might be something I would have liked to explore. I would like to show the Elder War at its peak, when the Emperor and his companions had to go into territories warped and shaped by a Great Elder and convince slaves who had grown up with decades of indoctrination to follow fellow humans instead of the alien gods who own them. I think that could be cool.
Any plans to release more short stories set in the Travelers Gate universe?
Plans, yes! But I always end up delaying those plans for another book...