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Reaper Release Stream ()
#1 Copy


What happened to Mu Enkai?

Will Wight

Well, if you will read the prologue to Ghostwater I think that's very clear that Mu Enkai fought Lindon and lost. And then he used that loss to motivate himself and fuel his rise. It was a meteoric rise likes to which has never  been seen on cradle before, it makes Lindon look like nothing and he became a Monarch in the matter of days. He immediately ascended, joined the Abidan and became the 9th Judge. I think that's obvious...I thought I had implied all that in Ghostwater prologue so it's not even a spoiler.

Dreadgod Release Stream ()
#2 Copy


After gaining abilities from the Bleeding Phoenix, would Mu Enkai be able to separate enough plasma out of blood to make a plasma ball?

Will Wight

Yes, absolutely. You would be able to separate plasma from blood and superheat it so that he could make a plasma ball. That's 100%. As a matter of fact, you've actually seized on my next series, which is a Cradle spinoff in which Mu Enkai is firing plasma balls. 

Dreadgod Release Stream ()
#3 Copy


I meant favorite character in Cradle as a whole.

Will Wight

You're probably following up on another question, but I'm going to answer that half of the question. Yikes. I'm a fan of a lot of them. I'm a fan of Fury, I'm a fan of Eithan. I really like Emriss Silentborn. I really like Malice, Malice is cool. I like all of the powerful people, they're fun to write. Northstrider's fun. I enjoy most of them, that's why I write them that way. 

It's Mu Enkai, nevermind, that was the correct answer. It's Mu Enkai, the guy from the prologue of Cradle 5, he's obviously my favorite character and I don't know why you even needed to ask.