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Amalgam ()
#1 Copy


Are there any (successful) tartarus travellers who traverse the labyrinth alone?

Will Wight

Tartarus Travelers still tell the story of Nasha, a young girl who was, according to legend, born in the Steel Labyrinth. She learned to crawl its corridors and bring its mechanisms to life, scavenging food and water from within the endless network of living gears.

Some Travelers swear that, when they were separated from their squads and lost in the corridors of the Labyrinth, they encountered a girl who silently guided them home.

Amalgam ()
#2 Copy


We have never seen further into Ragnarus than the single room behind the door and it doesn't sound like people tend to travel the other direction. What else is there in Ragnarus? Is it an expansive territory with a lot to discover?

Will Wight

Once, there was a king that ruled a vast realm. He dove deeply into the power of his world, which rewarded sacrifice: everything he loved was slowly consumed by his collection of magical artifacts.

The scope of this travesty grew to encompass his whole world, until the population of his enormous kingdom served only to feed his magic.

Finally, the fabric of his reality crumbled to dust. Faced with what he'd done, the king managed to preserve the one thing that still mattered to him.

And so his Vault drifted through the oceans of chaos. Until, at last, it found a resting place.

Cradle ()
#3 Copy


If Simon and Lindon both decided to give up fighting and become male escorts, who do you think would make more money per night?

Will Wight

Simon, unless Lindon tapped into a niche client base.

Lindon is taller and broader of shoulder, but he also looks like he wants to punch you as a matter of course. Simon's smaller, more slender, and has more delicate features.

Simon, however, would literally starve to death before he took such a course. He'd rather die on his own terms than sell his dignity.

Lindon would do what he had to.

Amalgam ()
#4 Copy


There were two powers used but not mentioned that belong to valinhall; one let Kai shatter the green shields Alin can summon, the other allowed indrial to knock someone out. do these abilities have a name at this time?

Will Wight

Kai's did, at one point, but it's been so long since I wrote CoL that I would have to delve deep into my notes to find it. However, I'll need to do a complete inventory of the House before I return to TG, so that will be explored!

Cradle ()
#5 Copy

Family of Raccoons attempting to rally the broken Australian troops in the great emu war

Will, I was rereading the house of blades, and something occurred to me: Why did Damasca take the yearly sacrifices from their outlying villages instead using criminals on death row? Just seems like it would be easier, and would greatly reduce to chances of, say, having Damasca's outlying villages begin to conspire against the throne

Will Wight

It started off as a way of bringing the whole country together, making sure that everyone shared the pain of the sacrifice so that everyone would feel how important it was.And, over time, it just became tradition.

Amalgam ()
#7 Copy


How much can Simon lift?

Will Wight

As far as how much Simon can lift...I'm not sure how to answer that without contradicting something in the books or irritating somebody who already has a specific answer in mind.I know how strong I think he is, but I'll leave specific estimates to you.

Amalgam ()
#8 Copy


Bets you say...

I'm assuming there were some bets on whether or not Simon would survive the house?

Was the Elder in on that bet and if so did he win or lose?

Also what were his odds? I'm assuming many bet against him and maybe a few prospered greatly?

Will Wight

People don't bet against the Eldest anymore. He's right too often.

It's pretty common for him to ruin bets between other Nye by making cryptic comments that cause them to second-guess themselves. He thinks it's hilarious.

Amalgam ()
#10 Copy

Your Benevolent Dictator

1. Do the Nye have actual bodies besides Cloth chains and essence? 2. What was Valinhall like before Valinhall got there 3. How did Valin get gold from Elysia if it hadn’t been opened in 300 years

Will Wight

1.) No. 2.) It wasn’t. 3.) He slipped in.

Amalgam ()
#11 Copy


How would you, using cradle lingo in the blackflame empire, ask someone if they wanted to "Netflix and chill"? Same for in Damasca (Im think both what Simon would say and what Leah would say).

Will Wight

If you're asking what Simon would say and what Leah would say, I have to imagine Leah would be smoother about it than Simon.

Dreadgod Release Stream ()
#13 Copy


Have you considered getting a tiny bell to go with your Eithan scissors so that you can ring it whenever Yerin uses the Endless Sword?

Will Wight

Obviously I have used that expression a lot, "ring like a bell." People are pointing it out because the Traveler's Gate got rerecorded and they're hearing Travis say it, and it's ringing bells from Cradle. Yes, I do use that phrase a lot, probably too much. I mostly use it in Traveler's Gate to describe the sound of steel on steel because it's unbreakable Tartarus Steel hitting unbreakable Tartarus Steel so I was going "What's a relatable way to describe that? Bells." And then I was going "Okay, when we have Yerin's Endless Sword, it's got to make a certain sound," then I was like "Ah, yeah, rang like a bell." Was the result that I have two series where everything rings like a bell. And then we have Little Blue, who speaks entirely in bell and chime sounds.

Indie Fantasy Addicts Facebook Q&A ()
#14 Copy


What is the magic system of Traveler's Gate like in its native state, if the Way wasn't so thin and there were no fragmented Iterations attached to it? Would it serve no function?

Will Wight

I have some notes to this effect, but I’m afraid to lock myself into something by answering this question. Suffice it to say that I would like to explore this in the future.

Amalgam ()
#15 Copy


How much of the Traveler's gate world have we seen? Are there explorers/colonies lost within a territory Robinson Crusoe style?

Will Wight

We have seen one small area of the Traveler's Gate world. Like a medium country, or a large state.

Why such a small area, if they have Territories to travel long distances? That's a great question, and hopefully one that I will have a chance to answer in the next book.

Most stories of lost colonies come from Asphodel, both because it is easy to get lost and forgotten there (the Mist is known to devour thoughts and memories) and because there are more colonies in Asphodel. It's the best Territory for farmland, so it's actually the Territory with the greatest number of Travelers. They just don't typically fight; they usually focus on raising crops and keeping farmers safe.

Amalgam ()
#17 Copy


How would someone bind ghostwater into a new territory? Very carefully?

Will Wight

If you were in the void outside of Amalgam, you could travel through the Way to Cradle, seize fragments of GW as it shattered, and then travel back to Amalgam and attach them to the world with the strength of your will. However, to make it stick, you would also need people from the Amalgam side to enter it and start living there, so you’d need to create a way for that to happen.

Amalgam ()
#19 Copy


In The Traveler's Gate series, where do the Common people (non-travelers in the unnamed world) believe they go after they die.?

Will Wight

Villagers mostly believe they go to the Maker to be judged, but instead of sending them to a Hell- or Heaven-equivalent, he assigns to them a personal reward and/or punishment depending on their accomplishments in life.In Damasca, there was an ancient belief that good people went to Elysia and bad people went to Naraka, and references to this belief system still remain in some turns of phrase and works of art. However, modern people don't really believe that; they believe that souls go on to become part of a Territory in some way. In Enosh, they believe that the dead become saints: white-clad beings who are constantly judging and determining the fates of men.