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    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1123 Copy

    Fotia Kyrios

    Would the Path of the White Fox be considered a strong path if the people practicing it could get to a higher advancement?

    Will Wight

    It may be. It may get developed to that degree. Right now, in most places, it would be considered a fairly standard illusion path.

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1124 Copy

    Sage of the Sleepless Night

    Northstrider has a fairly unique name. Is it a nickname or does he come from a land filled with people named Southjogger, Westhopper, and Eaststaggerer or the like?

    Will Wight

    He became known as the Northstrider because he was named by the people who, hundreds of years ago, saw him come from the ocean to the north, and he didn't really have a personal name so that became his title. And so then it infected the culture in other places so now there are names similar to his.

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1125 Copy


    What kind of Goldsign would a White Fox Gold have? What would it do?

    Will Wight

    I actually don't have an answer for that weirdly enough. I should. Maybe I did. Maybe I do, and I just don't remember what it is. So, a tail would be an obvious one, that could be it. But I would think it would be more something like a hovering cloud or something vague and insubstantial or like a sort of almost like a streaming cloak behind them of images and dreams. Something like that. Maybe even dancing foxfire.

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1126 Copy


    Are there common Iron bodies or Jade spirits [Remnants], or are they just incredibly variable? If there are, could we get a few examples?

    Will Wight

    Absolutely, yeah. Hundred percent there are. It depends on where you are, so it'd be a geographical/cultural thing. So in some places they would value one thing over another, or they would know how to do this so everybody does it. It's just very different all over Cradle.

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1127 Copy


    This might be a world builder but oh well. I think we can assume that the Way isn't madra. So does becoming part of the Abidan force you to change you path, or does it simply enhance the path you are currently on?

    Will Wight

    You wouldn't have to change your path when you went up to the Abidan. Your understanding of your path would certainly change. But the Way can be integrated into what you already do.

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1128 Copy


    Any plans on Traveler's Blade in the near future? 

    Will Wight

    No...but caveat. So the no comes from, I have got to get get OKAK finished, so that's why no. But after Kings and Killers, I have one more cradle book, and then something else. That's when my next open slot is, Kings - Killers, Cradle 7 and then something else. And that something else spot, could very well be Travelers Blade, I really don't now

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1129 Copy


    In Of Dawn and Darkness, the two champions that capture Urzaia refer to themselves as numbers eight and nine. Is this their personal rankings among the champions, or does it have some other meaning?

    Will Wight

    It's not their rankings among the champions, like among the Champion's Guild. But it would be their ranking number among their--it's a cultural thing; not a guild thing.

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1130 Copy


    Why are the Akura named the way they are?

    Will Wight

    That's actually something that goes back to Malice. Because of Malice's name, people are like, "Oh, they're named after virtues and vices." Not really. They're named after--they're all named after virtues. So, in their estimation, malice is a virtue. So it's sort of a limitation of the English language that they're not using. But it's kinda like the desire to, the will to, defeat your enemies, or whatever. But they're named the way they are because in Malice's--Malice created the Akura clan but she's from an Akura clan that was just a very simple family a long time ago. And so you earned a name. So your parents earned a name for you as a kid. So your name became the wish for who you would be when you grew up. And so their wish for her was that she had the will to defeat her enemies, and that's what malice means in that context. So, Fury; yeah, fury's considered a virtue. That is where that tradition came from, so she continued it. Not everybody in the Akura family is named after a virtue; only really the head people or their children. Some people even give them a regular family name, and then if they distinguish themselves and are, therefore, considered a true descendant of Malice, then they get a better name.

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1133 Copy


    What Iron body would be perfect for the Wei clan?

    Will Wight

    Iron body perfect for the Wei clan... I feel like I had an answer for this a long time ago. Like I had a perfect Iron body that was set up for this. I'm trying to figure out what it was. Something stealth related; something where they can either make less noise or sneak more easily.

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1134 Copy


    If you were able to complete the full preparation for more than one type of Iron body, would you get the benefits of both? Would it be a hybrid? Did Lindon kind of do this, for example, because his legs were also broken when he ascended?

    Will Wight

    So what Lindon kinda did, in the case of his Iron body, is he did take the Bloodforged Iron body but he took it to a real extreme. And so that's why he gets the extra regeneration that he normally may not have. Because, normally, that's just the basic function of that Iron body just exaggerated. If you fulfilled the parameters for multiple Iron bodies at the same time, you would not get both. You would get a hybrid or it would just fail entirely, and you would get a really crappy Iron body or not a perfect Iron body at all; you'd just advance to Iron. Because the ways to get Iron bodies are typically figured out over generations. So, if you mixed two together it would either not work or, occasionally, you'll get kind of a crappy version of two.

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1136 Copy


    After hearing your Dross voice, I now believe Dross is a gnome. Is this true?

    Will Wight

    Haha. Yes this is 100% accurate, Dross is only 30% through his transition to full gnome hood. He's currently like a Mike Wazowski looking floating purple thing, but he's going to develop a second eye and a whole little body and a beard and denim overalls and a peaked red hat, yes.

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1137 Copy


    What was the goldsign for the path of the Broken Star (or at least one of the common goldsigns when it was around)?

    Will Wight

    If I recall correctly I think it was a purple star on the forehead. Like on the crown of the head, at the hairline. A glowing star not like a Harry Potter lightning bolt. An actual glowing thing.

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1138 Copy


    Is the new Subnautica worth buying?

    Will Wight

    Yes, absolutely. It's worth everyone buying. I sound like i'm joking, i'm not really. It's great, it's really good. It's a lot more story focused than the first Subnautica. This is a story game with a survival game in the background. You actually have a character and you interact with other characters. Your primary reason for being on the planet is a personal character goal, not "you're crash landed and you have to be on the planet." It's an interesting direction, I'm surprised they took that direction but i like it, i'm cool with it. Right now it's only like 2-3 hours of story content. I played through it, I loved it, and then you can wait for the developments to come out.

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1139 Copy


    Why can't life madra be forged into a solid object?

    Will Wight

    Life madra can not be forged into a solid object because, there's a few reasons, one is it flows through very.....fluidly? I don't know how to put this, i don't know any terms here, because I didn't make terms for the physics of madra. Its just not rigid, it flows in a constant movement pattern through living things, so therefore it's always in motion, it's never static, that's why its not in a solid form.  Meta answer: I needed different physical properties for different types of madra because that creates challenges in soulsmithing, and it sorta made sense that they'd have different properties, so that's how that happened.

    Underlord Release Q&A ()
    #1140 Copy

    D rk M tter

    Can we get Valinhall sword and/or Yerin's sword letter openers in the merch store?

    Will Wight

    That's a good question because it allows me to address the merchandise in the store. There's a lot of things that would be cool to have as merch (path badges, banners) lots of stuff  that would be fun. But people don't buy the merchandise. That's OK, I don't need the merchandise to be self-sustaining. But the merch doesn't make any money and the more things that we add to it the more complex it becomes so it's not worth putting the energy into because nobody buys what we've already got. So there's no way to do it without taking a lot of time and energy away from the team, so it's not worth our time right now.