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What is Gilad's least favorite floor in the tower of Helgard? Also, did they skip floor 13 on the elevator?
Will Wight
If they had an elevator, they would skip Floor Sixteen. It's the worst. Gilad is most afraid of Floor Twenty-Two, where serpents of razor-sharp ice devour heat and light. He can't use his Naraka powers--not that powers from foreign Territories are very reliable in the Tower, but on most floors they can at least be used as a fallback--and he can't carry any torches or lights with him. His personally least favorite floor, though, is the first floor. It's usually well-populated, and many of those people know his name. He doesn't enjoy the attention.
This isn't necessarily related to this particular post, but thinking of the immortal nature of the Abidan Court got me thinking about this. Are there any beings in any iterations that have not ascended and yet are inherently immortal (at least apart from being killed)?
The Nye are partially what made me think of this, as the Eldest Nye has evidently been around since before his world was splintered and has been living in that splinter for some time. So even if the Nye aren't immortal, are there any naturally immortal beings?
Will Wight
Yes, there are immortals in the Iterations.
But the Eldest Nye hasn't been around since before his world was splintered. He's telling tales that have been passed down for generations.
So, did Valin ever visit the Blackface Empire during his wanderings?
Will Wight
He steered clear of the Blackface Empire. It gets SUPER racist.